Barnum - Constant Hammering

“A constant hammering on one nail will generally drive it home at last…” – P. T. Barnum

Today’s thought is about perseverance. Let’s face it, nothing is ever accomplished without some form of pigheadedness. Without that little streak of stubborn that runs through us all, it would be so easy to give up, especially when things get tough. And what is worse, when we do give up, it is usually just about the time things are ready to break free. It is people who see it through to the end, despite the will to quit, despite the odds, despite the hard work and the looks of those who he think he/she is foolish, who eventually win. By continuing to hammer the nail when others might have given up is the first secret of success.

If you like the thought for today and like the design shown above, you can find it on t-shirts, coffee cups and more at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

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