3/17/2014 – Quote of the Day

Age Cannot Wither Her

“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.”
From “Antony and Cleopatra” by William Shakespeare

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/17/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Good Deed - Serbian

“A good deed is the best form of prayer.” – Serbian Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/15/2014 – Quote of the Day

Age Appears Best - Bacon

“Age appears best in four things: old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust and old authors to read.” – Francis Bacon

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/16/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Good Chief

“A good chief gives, he does not take.” – Mohawk Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/15/2014 – Bonus Quote of the Day

A Strange Art Music - de Maupassant

“…A strange art – music – the most poetic and precise of all the arts, vague as a dream and precise as algebra.” – Guy de Maupassant

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/15/2014 – Bonus Proverb of the Day

A good beginning is half the work

“A good beginning is half the work.” – Irish Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/15/2014 – Quote of the Day

Against Ill Chances Men Are Every Merry

“Against ill chances men are ever merry,
But heaviness foreruns the good event.”
From Henry IV Part 2 by William Shakespeare

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/15/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Good Backside Will Easily

“A good backside will easily find a bench to sit on.” – Latvian Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/1482014 – Quote of the Day

After All Is Said And Done - Aesop

“After all is said and done, more is said than done.” – Aesop

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/14/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Good Archer Is Not Known

“A good archer is not known by his arrows, but his aim.” – British Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.