3/13/2014 – Thought of the Day

A Sick Thought - de Maupassant

“A sick thought can devour the body’s flesh more than fever or consumption.” Guy de Maupassant

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/13/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Golden Plate Is Worth Nothing

“A golden plate is worth nothing to me when my blood is spilled on it.” – Georgian Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/12/2014 – Quote of the Day

After A Man Passes 60 - W Irving

“After a man passes 60, his mischief is mainly in his head…” – Washington Irving

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/12/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Genuine Ruby Wont Sink

“A genuine ruby wont sink and disappear in mud.” – Burmese Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/11/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Lawful Kiss - de Maupassant

“A lawful kiss is never worth as much as a stolen one.” – Guy de Maupassant

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/11/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Gentle Hand May Lead - Persian

“A gentle hand may lead even an elephant by a single hair.” – Persian Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/10/2014 – Quote of the Day

Advice Is Like Snow - Coleridge

“Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/10/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Gentle Breeze Blowing - Zanzibaran

“A gentle breeze blowing in the right direction is better than a pair of strong oars.” – Zanzibaran Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/9/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Human Being - de Maupassant

“A human being – what is a human being? Everything and nothing.” Guy de Maupassant

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/9/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Dog Knows The Places - Acholi

“A dog knows the places he is thrown food.” – Acholi Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.