3/3/2014 – Quote of the Day

Accumulate A Fortune - Barnum

“You cannot accumulate a fortune by taking the road that leads to poverty.” – P. T. Barnum

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/3/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Fox Is Not Caught Twice

“A fox is not caught twice in the same trap.” –  Latin Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/2/2014 – Quote of the Day

Above Criticism - Baum

“As a matter of fact, we are none of us above criticism; so let us bear with each other’s faults.” – L. Frank Baum

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/2/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Foolish Ruler A Weak Child

“A foolish ruler, a weak child, and a person mad after riches, desire that which can not be procured.” – Hindu Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and 1.8 million more gift ideas at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/1/2014 – Bonus Quote of the Day

Abandon Hope - Dante

“Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.” – Dante Alighieri

f you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/1/2014 – Bonus Proverb of the Day

A Belching Toad - Zambian

“A belching toad portends rain.” – Zambian Proverb

f you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/1/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Young Man Married

“A young man married is a man that’s marred.”
From “All’s Well That Ends Well” by William Shakespeare

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

3/1/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Fool Stumbles Twice

“A fool stumbles twice at the same stone.” Hungarian Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/28/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Prudent Man Should Follow - Machiavelli

“A prudent man should always follow in the path trodden by great men and imitate those who are most excellent…” – Niccolo Machiavelli

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/28/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Beautiful Person - Taiwanese

“A beautiful person might not have a beautiful life.” – Taiwanese Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.