2/27/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Mighty Flame Follows - Dante

“A mighty flame follows a tiny spark.” Dante Alighieri

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.


2/27/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Bad Penny - Traditional

“A bad penny always turns up.” – Traditional Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/26/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Man Who Is Used To Acting - Machiavelli

“A man who is used to acting in one way never changes; he must come to ruin when the times, in changing, no longer are in harmony with his ways.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/26/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Fool Is Thristy

“A fool is thirsty in the midst of water.” – Ethiopian Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/25/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Leader Leads By Example - Sun Tzu

“A leader leads by example, not by force.” From “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/25/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Fool Is Like A Wanderer

“A fool is like a wanderer lost on a path.” – Luo Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/24/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Young Man Married

“A young man married is a man that’s marred.” – From “All’s Well That Ends Well” by William Shakespeare

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/24/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A Fool And Water Will Go

“A fool and water will go the way they are diverted.” – Botswana Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/23/2014 – Quote of the Day

A Torn Jacket Is Soon Mended - Longfellow

“A torn jacket is soon mended, but hard words bruise the heart of a child.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If you like the quote for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.

2/23/2014 – Proverb of the Day

A fool and his money are easily parted

“A fool and his money are easily parted.” – Irish Proverb

If you like the proverb for the day, you can find this and more available for purchase on hundreds of items at The Cranky Old Dude’s CafePress Shop.